Data & Privacy at Consolidate Health

Data & Privacy
at Consolidate Health

Data & Privacy
at Consolidate Health

Your Health Data, Your Control

At Consolidate Health, we understand the importance of privacy and security when it comes to your health records. Our platform is designed with one core principle: empowering you, the patient, with full control over your personal health information.

Consent-Centric Approach

We revolutionize the way health data is managed by ensuring that any access to your records by third parties, whether it's a healthcare provider, clinical researcher, or a pharmaceutical company, is governed by your explicit consent. Our digital consent management allows you to grant or revoke permissions easily, giving you flexibility and peace of mind.

HIPAA Compliance and Beyond

Adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is just the beginning. We rigorously implement industry best practices to safeguard your data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity. Our commitment to security is unwavering, as we employ state-of-the-art encryption and secure storage protocols.

Adherence to CARIN Code of Conduct

We proudly abide by the CARIN Alliance's code of conduct, setting a high standard for transparency and ethical use of health data. This commitment reinforces our dedication to handling your information responsibly and transparently.

Ownership and Privacy

Your data belongs to you. We stand by the principle that your health records should never be shared without your explicit permission. As stewards of your data, we prioritize your privacy above all else.

Learn About Our Practices

For those interested in the finer details of our approach to data and privacy, we invite you to review our comprehensive Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. These documents provide in-depth information about how we handle and protect your health information.

At Consolidate Health, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data privacy and security, ensuring that you can manage your health records with trust and confidence.